Videos, PowerPoints, Podcasts, and Other Media
Here is a talk that I gave at a Costa Rica teacher conference. I focus on why
English is important to teach as a second language, how much vocabulary size
is required to do things in English, and I finish with teaching principles. The
presentation shows the Powerpoint slides, which I talk over. Unfortunately,
you need to click on the sound bar for each slide.
Vocabulary as Key to Global Competence in English

Here is a talk I gave at Swansea University in December 2017. It is a reprise of the plenary talk I gave at EUROSLA 2017 in Reading, England. I reflect my experiences in the area of vocabulary over the last 25 years, and some of the key issues that have come up during that time.
Here are the PowerPoint slides for the presentations from the 2017 TESOL colloquium "Teaching and Assessing Vocabulary: What the Research Shows". It was held in Seattle, Washington on March 22, 2017.
Here's an interview I recently gave to the teacher's journal New Routes. It contains very accessible information on some key pedagogically-related vocabulary issues.
Below are a collection of presentations I have made in various media, often together with my wife, Diane Schmitt.
Here is my PPT presentation for IATEFL Chile 2014. It is a basic overview of issues in vocabulary testing, and an introduction to a number of different vocabulary tests and test formats.
Here is the presentation on 'Vocabulary Size and Depth' that I gave at the Vocab@Vic lexical conference in Wellington, New Zealand in December 2013.
Here is the Powerpoint presentation I gave at the Classroom-oriented Research: Reconciling Theory and Practice conference at Konin, Poland on October 16, 2013. It looks at a number of vocabulary issues related to vocabulary theory, research, and pedagogy.
Here is my 2013 AAAL conference presentation, presented with Diane Schmitt and Jez Uden. It concerns graded readers and is entitled: "Can Learners Make the Jump from the Highest Graded Readers to Ungraded Novels?: Four Case Studies". There is also a handout for the presentation.
I contributed to an Academic Vocabulary colloquium at the TESOL 2013 conference. The other presenters were Diane Schmitt and Keith Folse. My topic was "Formulaic Language in Academic Study". All three PowerPoint presentations are available below, in the order they were given at the conference:
On October 17, 2012, our CRAL research institute (Centre for Research in Applied Linguistics) celebrated its 10-year anniversary. We held a special event where CRAL members gave short 15-minute presentations about our past research, and thoughts about where the field is going in the future. Here are Powerpoint slides.